Ministry of sports of the Irkutsk Region
Administration of the Slyudyansky District
Administration of the city of Baikalsk
Ministry of sports of the Russian Federation
BAIKAL ENERGY MARATHON'S official mission is the promotion of the world’s largest fresh-water reservoir, Lake Baikal, spreading a healthy life style and creating awareness about green issues. It also highlights the protection of Lake Baikal as the UNESCO World Heritage Site – bringing together Russian and foreign amateur runners in a unique setting.
The race course runs along the lake’s scenic coastal highway with a terrific view of the Siberian Sea. Runners are challenged for the following distances: marathon (42,2 km), half marathon (21,1 km) and 10 km.
Lake Baikal is a well-known energy area providing every person with distinct vital power. Meet Baikal Marathon challenge – revive yourself with Energy of Lake Baikal!
Organizers of the Baikal Energy Marathon
Official water of the Marathon
The Baikal Energy Marathon 2018
The Baikal Energy Marathon 2017
В связи с эпидемиологической ситуацией, связанной с короновирусной инфекцией COVID-19, проведение марафона "Энергия Байкала" переносится на 2021 год